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Springtime on the balcony!

Written for Balconyliving Cph by Boe Sallingboe from Altan-alferne.dk.

(Image taken by Tina Brok Hansen for Isabellas magazine)

We've longed for the warmth, the spring sprouts, the flowers and the leaves on the trees. We've missed the wonders of nature after months of too little sun, too few blossoms, no butterflies and no time for nothing on the balcony.

It's outdoor season again. After a long winter of hibernation, plants need a little pampering.
You may have found plenty of inspiration over the winter, so there's lots to get started on integrating all those new plants into your outdoor space. Now you can take the first steps to making the most of a long season.

March is the time to start pre-sprouting things so you can, for example, harvest potatoes twice this season,
or you can take a trip to a greenhouse and get your hands on some of the best herbs and old perennials.

(Image has been taken by Boe Sallingboe, Lone Meldgaard and Jane Pedersen)

If you need new plants on your balcony or roof terrace, it's best if you can find some old plants. Plants from last year, herbs, perennials, bushes and trees that have survived the four seasons. Now they are through the winter and thus more acclimatized. These are the plants you want because they are more robust and can better withstand the relatively harsh conditions of urban garden flowerpots, planters and balcony boxes.

Now is also the time to start planning your vegetable garden if you want to be more self-sufficient. If you have plenty of sun on your balcony, you can grow the following more or less successfully:

Cucumbers, asparagus, basil, plum, blueberries, broccoli, bronze-leaved fennel, lemon balm, dill, tarragon, figs, carrots, sea buckthorn, raspberries, garlic, hyssop, strawberries, wild strawberries, potato, coriander, onion, marjoram, mint, oregano, chives, pear, radishes, currants, rosemary, beetroot, sage, blackcurrant, thyme, tomatoes, cranberries, grapes, apples, peas.

A vegetable garden requires sun and some plants require a little protection, but with the right watering and a little care, most people can easily grow fruit, vegetables and herbs on their windowsills and balconies.

It's great that spring is back and we can enjoy the life outside again.
With flowers, warm blankets, cozy matresses and soft cushions the long evenings on the balcony are ensured.


If you are curious to learn even more about urban city gardening, you can find more information at altan-alferne.dk and urbangarden.dk, as well as facebook/altan-alferne.
Boe Sallingboe has published the books "Naturen ind i byen" Gyldendal 2016 and "Naturen forkæler din hjerne" Mellemgaard 2018. (Both books in Danish).